DIY: Chevron Glitter iPhone Charger - Part 1

Today we're bringing you a popular DIY with a twist: Chevron! We've all seen glitterized phone chargers hanging around on Pinterest. Their sparkly allure has gotten Jess and me excited for our first DIY project! Follow us on our two part journey in the quest for glitterness galore!

You will need:
-Loose glitter 
-Mod Podge
-Masking tape (we've got Scotch)
-Cheap paint brushes of various sizes
-A pencil
-Phone charger
-Knife (optional)
-Cutting board (optional)

1. First off we've got to cover all the parts of the charger that we don't want to get glitter on. The glitter doesn't generally stick to places without mod podge but it does get a bit messy during the first two steps of gluing and glittering.
2. We used several pieces of tape to cover the outlet ends and weren't too precise with this end.
3. For the end with the USB connector we were more particular. We used scissors to easily round out the edges of the tape.
4.The neat and clean results
5. Cut a piece of tape long enough to wrap around your wall charger about 1.5 times. (This was about 6-7in)
6. Begin sketching the chevron pattern (or any pattern out want!). Start off by drawing triangles on the top edge of the tape and use them as guides for your chevron lines. We found it helpful to look up chevron patterns for reference.
7. Use a spare pencil for an even, parallel pattern.
8. You only have to sketch out enough chevron to cover your charger, so don't feel the need to fill the tape!

1. We tried using scissors to cut out the chevron pattern but found it was much easier to use a kitchen knife (in replace of an X-Acto knife) on a cutting board to "slice" the tape.
2. then we carefully wrapped the delicate tape around the base of the charger.
3. The pattern ends didn't match exactly, but no worries, we peeled off a little tap and re-wraped it, pinching the corners here and there. This was pretty easy, so don't worry if it doesn't come out perfect the first time! Then we used that same kitchen knife (the unsung hero of the day) to define the points towards the bottom of the pattern.
4. Tada! Your fully-taped, glitter-ready charger! as you can see, we put two pieces of chevron tape which will correlate to one glitter stripe in your first color, and two in your second, optional color.

The second part of this DIY will be up soon so keep on the watch out for another sequin savvy post!


  1. can we see the final product

    1. Yes! Part two will be coming up shortly! Follow us on Bloglovin' for the latest updates!



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